Personalized Reproductive Medicine
Personalized reproductive medicine is a modern field of individualized medicine that deals with diseases of the reproductive system and infertility. Other objectives of this field
Personalized Cancer Medicine
Personalized cancer medicine refers to a novel approach to personalized medicine based on an individual’s genome and biological processes. Several investigations have confirmed that specific
Base Editing: A Strong Contender in Cell and Gene Therapy
Base editors, DNA double-strand break (DSB)-independent genome modification agents, have been recognized alongside prime editors as key technologies to watch this year,1 and advances to date
Enzyme that Promotes Diet-Induced Obesity Could Point to Inhibitor Therapy
High-fat diet (HFD) feeding in mice promotes induction of aldose reductase (AR) activity, expression, and senescence of adipocytes in subcutaneous adipose tissue (scAT), according to
Lab-made sperm’ fertility hope
Scientists have proved for the first time that sperm grown from embryonic stem cells can be used to produce offspring. The discovery in mice could
ISCA International Summerschool (COLOGNE, JULY 8-10, 2019)
Applying Stem Cells in Personalized Medicine Download Brochure Recent development in stem cell technologies revealed that human stem cell can be used to test how